Sunday, November 7

Word and Image Interaction---Google Logo

one of the most commonly used internet search source is Google. just about anything and everything can be found from google, from maps to educational articles that we can use for class.
one of the notable things that we as users bypass most of the time is the unique logos that google creates on regular basis along with different styles of logos for different holidays.

using the word "Google," their company name, they create a unique interaction of word and unique images to create many unique logos.
here is an example of one of their Martin Luther King Jr. day  logo that was presented to the public in the year 2009.
(copyright google)

here is another example for new years logo they created in 2009

for any special occasions or holidays, just a way of celebrating the world and embracing other cultures, google uses their designs in combination with the words in their trademark logo to create these logos.
the word interact with image very well in ways of spelling out the logo,  (allowing the audience to know the name and the logo and the site very well) but spreading the meaning, idea and the concept of the day they wish to share with the world.

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