Monday, November 15

Visual Hierarchy

visual hierarchy,
its a process that we, as individuals engage in our everyday lives. its a process where it is used in page designs to help the viewer process the information. when we view a specific page design or any design, there is one part or specific area that usually grabs our attention. it can be described more specifically as the order that most people will see and identify objects
the way visual hierarchy works is the automatic focus that your eye catches onto due to the standing out color, or bigger. with the usage of bright colors, its easier to notice and focus all attention to that right away. in addition, bigger font or the size of the font grabs attention and stands out as well. after being noticed in the beginning, it becomes a smaller and less noticeable thing as the viewer moves on to the smaller details in the page. the objective of visual hiearchy is to attract the viewer's attention, but lead onto more important facts and details and bypassing the attention grabber. graphic designers usually use and incorporate the aspects of size, color, contrast, texture, shape and position as the techinque.

here is an example of a vitamin water ad that serves as a visual hierarchy example
It has great visual hierarchy. i can see the color, the description of what the drinks are called, find out what flavor it is, and stories about the drink for few. the color is the first thing that attracts our attention, it leads onto the other drinks following the first one on the left and onto the description part. 

here is an example of  a visual description of how visual hierarchy works

our eye is attracted to few top materials in the page, followed by additional information and onto the entire page.

in the case of this poster, the name of the special appearance guest is bolded and is extra large compared to other information provided on the poster. that automatically grabs our attention, followed by when the event is also in a slightly less larger font than the name and other information following.

as a designer of page spreads, its natural and a conscious technique to use visual hierarchy

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