Monday, November 15

Skullcandy Headphones

We love to listen to music, dance to music, sing along to music and sometimes even rocking out to music. there are SO many genres of music that we like and every individual has their own unique taste in music and preferred style of music. today, music has became a huge part of everyone's lives since its surrounding us all the time. for example, music can be heard while driving on the radio, from a Ipod, or a mp3 player, CD, cassette tape and many other ways. in addition, we can listen to music through our computers, as well as music systems at our homes.
lets take a look at a important object that is one of the most important object in relation to music:

headphones is essential object that is necessary for each and every individual to have in order to not disturb others as well as to be captured in our own world filled with joy, happiness, sadness while listening to the song thats suitable to the mood you are in. headphone gives a sense of comfort where each individual has their own privacy without being judged by what type of music they are listening to.

today, there are so many different types of headphones out in public that are available to us. i mean there are of course, regular headphones that comes with the purchase of a Ipod, just like this one
and there are headphones like THIS  

one of the most popular components in music for many younger generation is how LOUD the music is, and how bumpin the music is by determining how much bass there is in the music itself. sometimes, the bass can enhance the favoritism of a music to an individual too. 

skull candy is one of the most widely known and popular headphones that young people use today. it has its own uniqueness with its design and color incorporated to the of the ways many people are attracted to skullcandy headphones is because of their unique design and wild colors that gives a sense of visual hierarchy like atttraction. with its aesthetic  features, it attracts costumers. 

there are earplug headphones like this one

and there are other types of headphones like the one shown previously to this picture. one of the main features that skullcandy provides is the ear plugs that fit perfectly to your ears, in a deeper position than regular headphones may gives a sense of comfort because typically what happens with the typical earplug headphones is that it will fall out because it isnt made to perfectly fit all the way in your ears. in addition, skull kandy is  also  known for their bass feature in their headphones as well.
the performance level of the headphones is very amazing. it feels as if the music is drilled into your head and you are in another world and out of the zone.
in the aspect of safety,  these headphones are not the best choice. many young people today are already proven by many studies are deaf in partial ways due to listening to music with high bass and in loud volume level.

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