Monday, November 1


for design 001 on thursday, we watched a documentary objectified. this documentary titled, OBJECTIFIED BY Gary Huswit is one of the most interesting and successful documentary where the form of the film is very well in interaction with its content. the documentary is about the complex relationship we have, as human beings with manufactured objects and the people who designed them.  objectified had a unique beginning where it shows people's hand and their days as designers. one of the important message that i got from the film was that we take things for granted. there are so many uniquely designed objects that are part of our daily lives like plates, pans, utensils, post-its, but we arent consicously really aware of the fact about how each of these objects were actually designed.  these objects are created for our daily purpose, part of daily routines and it becomes so natural in our lives. its created for us to use without any sort of thinking or hard work trying to learn how to use them, it just becomes natural. the natural reaction we get from the objects is the goal that each designer focuses on to make sure their design becomes useful in daily lives of everyone.  in addition, the film talked about the meanings we put to inanimate objects, for example, like a magnet that symbolizes your family.

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