Sunday, November 7


From businesses to a government to a country, there is a symbol that represents each group that represents them even without any type of word or saying attached to it. These things are called logos.
Logos are a huge part of everyone’s lives. It’s a way of understanding our surroundings with a common understanding with others. Logos are symbols that have a meaning attached to it. for example, the apple logo, it may just look like just a plain apple with a part of it gone on the side, but its widely understood as the symbol and logo for Apple company.
These logos are designed to establish a understanding amongst people to get a company well known by others for businesses. Without any additional summary or words attached to it, a logo can allow the consumers and audiences to understand the meaning of the business and what they are about. More commonly, governments and countries have their own symbol and logos as well. For example, for United States police, its logo usually has a seven point star. This star symbol can be seen just about anywhere across united states on police cars, badges, offices, papers, and a lot more. In addition, a logo for the country is known as a flag.
A flag is to symbolize a country in its own unique way with different colors and designs and history. An example would be American Flag. Our flag represents many different things and contains rich history behind it. It’s America’s logo and way of representing the first thirteen colonies, our fifty states and the three colors, red, white and blue that we represent as a country.

Why is the logo design so crucial in our society?
The way logo is designed is the way we understand the world. Each logo has a meaning, history, symbol attached to it which allows us to understand the world in much simpler form. Like the examples I’ve given above, flag for the country, without the unique design of the flag, we wouldn’t be able to recognize which country is which just by hearing the word or the name of it. Along with the word and the name, we automatically think of a logo or a symbol that represents that word which makes the connection and reaches its understanding point.
Without logos for various organizations and people and country, understanding the world would be much complicated.

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