Saturday, November 27

Missiles: Dangerous Design

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            There are designs that are made to support us to live an easier and less complicated life and there are designs that are designed to cause hatred and trouble.
            Some of our current events today are related to how some designs in our society can lead to dangerous situations. On November 23rd, North Korea attacked South Korea with over hundred missiles. It was much uncalled attack and wasn’t expected by South Koreans at all. These missiles used in the attack of South Korean island were designed to destroy homes and military bases.
            Missiles are an important object in the modern warfare. Missiles are able to allow military to attack in long distances, target precisely and cause a huge level of destruction. The process of missile design follows these components: size, drive, type, guidance systems and warhead. The size of the missile design determines amount of explosive component and destructive level that one missile can carry, the drive determines the length that a missile can be shot to attack and guidance systems can guide where the missile is headed and control over them. The bigger the missiles are, the stronger it is. Missiles are mass-produced object of industrial design in many countries today. For example, North Korea is known to produce mass amount of nuclear weapons, which puts our world in fear and causes hatred between countries.
            Missiles and nuclear weapons are form of designs that are used for defense and attack purposes in our society today. These are some of the designs that are dangerous and harmful to our society. Missiles are made to destroy cities at a time, killing hundreds and thousands of people even. It makes it dangerous with its explosiveness and harmful material used to make the missile itself. Missile designs aren’t exactly the first thing that comes to our mind when we think of the term, ‘design.’ But missiles in fact go through multiple levels of designing and careful testing in order to make sure it fulfills its purpose of destroying objects.
Here are some of the examples of missile designs I have found on this website about missile design:
·  Anti-Armor Missile:
Anti-Armor missiles are designed to be used against heavily armored vehicles, such as tanks and large robot vehicles, at relatively close range. As such, they have a larger warhead section and a considerably smaller engine section. Many groups throughout the megaverse use this missile design with their armed forces.
  • Missile Size: Short Range Missile, Medium Range Missile, and Long Range Missile.
  • Missile Drive: Any
  • Missile Type: Air-to-Ground, Multipurpose, or Surface-to-Surface only
  • Missile Guidance Systems: Any
  • Missile Warhead: Any
  • Modifiers: Increase warhead strength by 25% and Weapon Rating by +1, but decrease range by 50%.
  • Cost Modifier: Increase the cost of the missile by +10%.

·  General Purpose Missile:
All missiles must have a design and for many groups, simply have a missile is enough; such groups use the general purpose missile design, which provides no modifications to missile's basic package.
  • Missile Size: Any
  • Missile Drive: Any
  • Missile Type: Any
  • Missile Guidance Systems: Any
  • Missile Warhead: Any
  • Modifiers: None
  • Cost Modifier: None
There are several hundred of different types of missiles that are available in our society today. In a semi-reliable source Wikipedia, this list of missiles can be seen. (

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            Why are missiles designed in the first place? Our society has developed into a place where power portrays a symbol of importance. In order to gain power, missiles are used by countries and their military to attack the weaker ones. The dangers caused by missiles are completely intentional at all times unless it was told that it was an accident. There are hundreds of various designs for missiles and even though the world may seem peaceful today, anything dangerous can happen due to these designs, like how it happened to Korea just a couple days ago.
            In conclusion, the purpose of missiles and its design does cause danger to our world and our society has developed into a place where design can’t be just used to create convenience and happiness for our society.

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