Sunday, October 3

What is the place of design in our society?

What is the place of design in our society?
Design is everywhere.
Design is surrounding all of us twenty four hours, seven days a week. From buildings surrounding the big cities, to a small coffee mug sitting on a table we’re sitting by, design is something that can be seen anywhere and everywhere. Our society has developed greatly as well as the creativity and uniqueness of the designers.
When people think of the word “design,” its common to think of designers sitting in a office with a drawing pad in front of them. However, there is so designated place of design in our society. Everything that is visible within our eyes can be known as “design.” How the building we live in was created?  How did this great city came to be so beautiful? How was the cover of that magazine created? how did that book cover came to be?
Here’s an example of a design that can be viewed in our daily lives.  

ßHere is a pile of clothes on a counter. And here is a drawing inspired by the pile of clothes on the counter. Even from home, the simplest design can be created. The clothes itself is a design, created by a designer, and made for us to wear and share.
Another example can be seen from a magazine spread by David Carson. He is known as one of the best magazine designers and his specialty in typography.  (
Overall, there is no specific place of design in our society, but there are many different design that revolves around us every day. from a building to a pile of clothes in your laundry, to a professional magazine designs that can be seen in a bookstore or a magazine stand, Design is something that can be seen and be evaluated everywhere.

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