Monday, October 4

design is inspirational

Design is inspirational
Design is inspirational in many perspectives. Design can melt one’s heart with its mesmerizing uniqueness and it can inspire another designer to create their own heart melting design to share with others. We are surrounded by designs that inspires as artists and as individuals. Just by looking around the house, apartment, office or a studio, it possible to see that there are many objects that reflect special design that an artist had created.

Here’s an example of inspirations that a design can contribute to one.
coca-cola always has a very unique and different style in their advertisements. coca-cola is a great example of design as being an inspiration. for many events, such as olympics, world cup and just celebrating life, they create unique design that inspires one to get the feeling of celebrating the world's biggest event like olympics to becoming a huge fan of soccer during the time period of world cup.

coca-cola inspires us to keep unity between each other, race, country and the world and inspires us to become a better person. design is something that inspires us as individuals. design makes us who we are and it will always be side by side with us throughout our lives.

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