Saturday, October 2

My first encounter with Design

When I think back to my past experiences with design, the first object that comes to my mind is my dad’s old Canon Camera. Usually for many, their first encounter with design may be an object or an art work, but for me, the world I saw through the lenses of my dad’s camera was my first encounter with design. I believe that design is a term with an indefinite definition. My personal definition of the term “design” is the never ending possibilities of creativity that one can encounter in their life time. through my dad’s camera, I was able to see the same visual image I saw through my eyes through lenses. The image in the lenses captured the uniqueness and natural setting that our world provides us with and after capturing, we, as designers are able to cherish that moment and setting for a life time.
The smell of the leather that the camera was made with, the sound of the shutter that clicks every two second interval, the weight of the camera itself, and the sound of film strip rolling inside the camera, these are the characteristics of the camera that amazed me. the connection between the camera and the design was the shadows, the lighting and the sharpness that the camera was able to capture through those lenses. Not only did the camera capture all the moments, but it was able to distinguish the shadows and lighting in the picture itself which amazed me. 
Even till this day, I always am amazed by the never ending possibilities that this camera can contribute to the world of design.

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