Monday, October 18


In one of our lectures for Des 001, Professor Housefield mentioned an amazing work that received a nobel prize this year. It is called Graphene, a one atom thick sheet by Hanns- Peter Boehm. Graphene is made out with combination of graphite and graphene together. Its made out of carbon atoms and their bonds and its one atom thick sheet.
In our discussion about graphene, HF mentioned that from doing the stone soup experiment, these men were able to create this remarkable object and earned their title as nobel prize winners. Reflecting on the stone soup experiment done in class, it was basically the most amazing experience. design is definitely something that exist anywhere with any combination of objects and ideas.
Design is all about unity, congruity or agreement among elements in design and harmony, which has a similar idea as unity. Graphene is definitely an example of Unity. the combination of carbon atoms and their bonds form a unity and created a unique sheet.
 another example of Unity is Van Gogh.
van gogh is a well known arists who was well concerned with unity amongst his paintings. a great example of unity in his work is starry nights.
in this painting, his combination of colors are in a unity form in the surface to make sure the audience gets the feeling of unity while viewing the picture. the brush strokes as well is well lined which makes it more unified as one.

overall, unity is  something that is crucial in design and without its existence.

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