Monday, October 18

Design as conversation : duck tape

Urban Dictionary:

duck tape

A multi-purpose, strong adhesive tape which will bind just about anything together, well-known for it's durability.

Common uses include:

-Taping people's mouths shut.

-Binding people's hands and feet together.


       Duck tape is known as a tool or an object we use to tape things like boxes and papers together. But duck tape is more than just a tool, its a design.  along with the classic duck tape colors, clear, black and grey, there are creative colored duck tapes today such as hot pink, blue, turquoise and even leopard print duck tapes. 
        Amongst college students, duck tape has been the number one object for themed parties like anything but clothes party.  With duck tape, basically any type of clothing item can be created.
vanessa jean

for designers, duck tape became an object of creativity and remarkable ideas. here is an example of duck tape designer i have found: Vanessa Jean. Vanessa Jean is one of the notable duck tape designers. She creates variety of duck tape works, including a belt for male, purses and cute wallets for females. Her passion for duck tape is very strong and she spends time creating these unique designs and created her own business website just based on a duck tape.

Repetition is the key to creation of duck tape designs. Duck tape is  a polyethylene, reinforced, multi-purpose pressure sensitive tape with a soft and flexible shell and pressure sensitive adhesive. Even though its reinforced, its not thick enough to function as any material type of object (purse, wallet etc.) so repetition is the key. When designing for a duck taped designed object, wrapping around the same spot continuously to get the thickness is important. With thickness from continuation of duck tape rapping, it is possible to get the sturdiness and more realistic form of it.
Duck tape design is one of the best ways to carry a conversation. Duck tape is so common, yet so random that any type of design created with it can carry a long conversation. The color, the shape, and the realistic features that the design carries resembling the actual object (like t-shirt, purse, etc) can create a laughter and interest amongst people.



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