Sunday, October 10

------ Stone Soup --------

Stone Soup is a children's book written by Marcia Brown in 1975. The story is about a three hungry soldiers who come across a village where the villagers refuse to feed them any food and would hide them. but the soldiers says otherwise and starts making their own soup with stones. eventually, the villagers end up adding their own ingredients and joined them and ended up having a big feast with variety of ingredients mixed in the soup.

On Tuesday, our design class was split up into our groups to create our own version of "stone soup." our concept of stone soup was through design and we were creating a unique design through all the random objects that all the members of our group had brought.

We had different colors of paints, duck tapes, construction papers, tape, glue, wires, and push pins to start off with and came up with an idea to create a tree on top of a cardboard box we had.  we used the soda bottle as the main portion of the tree and used paper to create branches and construction paper to make flowers on top of it. one of the sides on the box was cut off to show the roots of the tree which we used real leaves and also construction paper.

Overall, stone soup was a great way to combine everyone's creativity and ideas together to create a great piece of work. our group was combined with students who were interested in variety of design related fields and all of us had special abilities to share and bring to the table. just like the book Stone Soup, when we combined all our ideas together, with combination of random ingredients together, we were able to create an art work within short amount of time.

Stone soup was a great way to help all the beginning designers learn that we are capable of creating anything from practically nothing. its also a great start to get us motivated to create something even bigger in the future.

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