Sunday, October 10

the meanings behind

After the stone soup experiment, i wanted to search more deeply about the meanings that different designs carry. there are many art works that carries a deeper meaning, from love to a art work that tells a story. design is definitely something that can be interpreted in many different ways. by analyzing and studying these works, we're able to understand the work as well as the world in a better view.

one of the example that i found  was lady gaga's meat dress from VMAs this year.
Lets look at her outfit and interpret her meaning behind her outfit concept. she quotes on the Ellen DeGeneres show that the meaning behind her costume was tied to her protest against U.S. military's Dont ask, Dont tell policy toward gay soldiers. Lady gaga is known to be very out of the ordinary and has sort of weird sense of style. but this is a great example because the design of her dress is carrying a deeper meaning that she wishes to spread out to the public.

as designers, creating a work requires a lot of creativity and different perspectives. each individual has their own way of viewing things, which leads to every design having a unique meanings behind it.  i think thats what makes designers more special and important. without the meanings behind the design works, it may be harder to understand the world.

so overall, design is really important part of our lives and it helps us to live a better life and makes everything more simpler and our life more richer.

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