Saturday, October 30

Ipod: mass-produced object of industrial design

one of the most common mass produced object that can be seen today is Apple products.
Apple is presenting our society with many different types of electronics, including Mac computers, laptops,iPod (nano, shuffle, touch, etc) and many more. its really common to see people with apple products just about anywhere we go.
industrial design is a combination of applied art and science. the designer of industrial design is creating a unique design that creates solution towards problems of form, sales, and usability.

iPod is becoming one of the necessities that everyone must have today. music is a huge part of many people's lives that importance of ipod became much greater.  from hip hop to michael Jackson, from r&b to Beatles, all the genres of music create the necessity of a portable music player. Ipod is transforming the lifestyles of people.
on october 23, 2001, ipod launched their first portable media player, iPod. this industrial design created by Apple soon became one of the mass produced object of industrial design. 

today, there are many different generations of each iPod designs, which includes video and recording as part of its functions. ipod is definitely one o f mass produced object. its a way of describing social media, where it becomes an instant conversation and communication topic between people, its functions definitely connects people with one another. also this is a form of visiual marketing as well with its ads on tv and internet.

Visual marketing for Ipod: ipod has its own unique commercials that attracts the audience to become a consumer of Apple. here is an example of a commercial for an ipod

with the silhouette of people dancing with the ear plugs and a ipod, it portrays a visual marketing idea of the importance of music in our lives, which attracts consumers to buy the product. 

another aspect we can look at is the various colors and shape that the iPod is designed with. 
iPod Nano for example gives the convenience of having a smaller portable music player that is made very thin and colorful. the color and its size attracts the consumers. also the function of a nano is same as a regular ipod with less music storage space, which makes it even better. this is a example of visual marketing where the designer used its design and color to attract the consumers to buy the product. 

in conclusion, ipod  is definitely one of the most widely known mass produced object of industrial design with its amazing storage amount of music and its numerous functions and colors to attract the consumers.

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